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المؤتمرالاردنى الدولى الثالث والعشرون لطب الاسنان
* رئيس اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر *Session chairperson *Workshop coordinator * المشاركة فى ورش العمل التالية على هامش المؤتمر: 1. “ OneShape , The New NiTi Single-File System”. (Prof C.D’Arcangelo). 2. “ ProTaper Next: A Close Look at The Future of Endodontics”. (Prof F.Manucci). 3. “ K3 and Twisted Files NiTi Instrumentation and Element Thermal Obturation”.( Prof S. cunnington). 4. Conventional and Surgical Re-treatment : Decision Making and New Ultrasonic Instruments”.( Prof B.Khayat). 5. The New iRace System for Root Canal Preparation. (Prof B. Khayat).
المؤتمر الاردنى الثالث للمعالجة اللبية
Nacou M.,Abu Tahun I ., Siskos G .,Sykaras S
7th PanHellenic Dental Conference
Peraia – GreeceOctober 7-10, 1987Participant
Abu_Tahun I ,Nacou .M., Siskos G., Sykaras S.,
7th PanHellenic Dental Conference
PeraiaOctober 7-10, 1987Participant
Ibrahim Abu-Tahun
24th Jordanian Dental Conference
October 2014Participant
17th Asian Pacific Endodontic Conference-Seoul-South Korea
Ibrahim Abu Tahun

8th conference

Faculty of Dentistry, University of JordanJune 2014Lecturer
3rd scientific day and organization of a hands on course
Al-Karak-Jordan  June 2013Others
Invited speaker
18th Asia Pacific Endodontic Conference & the 4th Jordanian Endodontic Conference
Amman, JordanApril 9-10, 2015 Participant
Prince Husein Ben Abdullah the 2nd Hospital
Invited speaker
the 19th International Endodontic Conference of the Asia Pacific Endodontic Conference
Delhi 5-8 April 2017Others
محاضرة علمية لاطباء الاسنان فى حوض البقعة بدعوة من اللجنة الفرعية فى محافظة البلقاء ابريل 2013 فى مستشفى الامير الحسين بن عبدالله الثانى.